Port Services and Facilities


Refer to the map below for the Port of Bunbury Berthing Locations

Bunbury Port Layout Map



LocationOuter Harbour
ConstructionLandbacked Berth
FenderingHorizontal rubber 3m above chart datum
ProductsGeneral Purpose
Berth Length184m
Berth Depth8.5m
Deepest Permissible Draft8.5m plus an allowance for tide
Height of Wharf Decking3.66m above datum
SecurityFencing with sliding gate operated by Security Swipe Cards
  • Water
    • Potable Water: 3 supply points - supply rate 20 kLitres/hour
    • Non-potable Water: 2 supply points
  • Power Supply Points
    • 100 amp - 3 phase
    • 20 amp - 3 phase
    • 10 amp - single phase
General Information
  • Vessels usually berthed starboard side alongside
  • Vessels up to 270 meters L.O.A have been safely accommodated at this berth
  • This berth is only available in exceptional circumstances. Please contact the Operations and Maintenece Manager for more information
Port of Bunbury - Berth 1
Port of Bunbury - Berth 1 and 2



LocationOuter Harbour
ConstructionLandbacked Berth
FenderingVertical timber-faced to within 1m of chart datum
ProductsGeneral Purpose
Berth Length184m
Deepest Permissible Draft7.5m
Height of Wharf Decking3.66m above datum
SecurityFencing with sliding gate operated by Security Swipe Cards
General Information
  • Vessels usually berthed starboard side alongside
  • General purpose berth, equipped for discharging Methanol from tankers
  • Dyno Industries have 6 storage tanks at rear of berth (max.capacity 7,000t)
  • Connection to discharge pipeline (150mm dia. coupling)
Port of Bunbury - Berth 2
Port of Bunbury - Berth 1 and 2




LocationInner Harbour
ConstructionDolphin Berth
FenderingMetal-faced Rubber - water lubricated to within 1.5m of chart datum
Maximum Vessel Beam36.5m
Maximim Vessel Length210m
Berth Length381m
Depth Alongside12.2m
Deepest Permissible Draft11.6m
Height of Wharf Decking3.66m above datum
SecurityFencing with sliding gate operated by Security Swipe Cards
W.A.Chip Pulp have inner gate limited access to their adjacent facilities
FacilitiesWater: Potable water - supply rate 25 kLitres/hour
General Information
  • Vessels usually berthed port side to.
  • Woodchip vessels berth with the conveyor outboard from the loader
  • Vessels should prepare long backsprings on the main deck for warping the vessel during loading operations. 
  • Shore gangway is provided and is integrated into the shiploader
Woodchips Shiploader
  • Primarily a specialised woodchips and grain loading berth equipped with a fixed loader linked to adjacent storage
  • Loading rated at 1,000 tonnes per hour
  • Air draught 21m (loader in stowed position)
  • Maximum clearance - bottom of chute - 17m above chart datum


LocationInner Harbour - North
ConstructionDolphin (4) Berth
Fendering'Seibu' H1400 rubber on laminated metal faces.
Maximum Vessel Beam36.5m
Maximim Overall 229m
Berth Length123m
Deepest Alongside12.7m
Deepest Permissible Draft11.6m + tide (by arrangement)
Height of Dolphin Decking4m above datum
SecurityEnclosed Storage: Wharf area controlled by Alcoa
General Information
  • Vessels loading Alumina usually berth starboard to, and caustic tankers port side to
  • Specialised bulk Alumina loading and bulk caustic soda discharging berth, utilised by Alcoa mining company
  • Due to the berth design a shore gangway is provided
  • Due to berth design, gearless bulk barriers cannot use aft store cranes without shifting ship a substantial amount along the berth
  • Caustic soda is discharged through "Chiksan" connections to adjacent storage tanks. Connection is by 12" bore 19" outside diameter flange. Tank storage: 1 x 34,000t
Alumina Shiploader
  • Cantilever Traversing Soros Shiploader type
  • Rated at 2,000 tonnes per hour
  • Maximum Air Draft 19m above chart datum from underside of chute
  • Adjacent linked Storage Bins - 3 x 49,500 t capacity
Port of Bunbury - Berth 4
Port of Bunbury - Berth 4



LocationInner Harbour
ConstructionLandbacked Berth
FenderingHorizontal rubber (full length of berth)
Vertical rubber (65m at western end)
Height of horizontal Fendering2.5m above datum
Height of Vertical Fendering1.5m above datum
Berth Length240m
Depth Alongside12.2m
Deepest Permissible Draft11.6m
Height of Wharf Decking3.66m above datum
Axle LoadingsWharf deck: 4400 kg / m²
Rear wharf: 5000 kg / m²
Road vehicles: 96 wheel low loader gross not exceeding 350,000 kg
SecurityFencing with sliding gate operated by Security Swipe Cards
  • Water: Potable water - 2 supply points - supply rate 25 kLitres/hour
  • Power - Supply points
    • 150 amp - 3 phase
    • 55 amp - 3 phase
    • 20 amp - 3 phase
    • 10 amp - single phase
General Information
  • Depending on weather and draft, vessels may berth port or starboard to.
  • General purpose berth.
  • Large shore side open storage areas available.
  • Contact licensed stevedores for available gear
Port of Bunbury - Berth 5
Port of Bunbury - Berth 5



LocationInner Harbour - North
ConstructionDolphin (4) berth
Fendering'Seibu' H1400 rubber on laminated metal faces.
Maximum Vessel Beam36.5m
Maximim Overall 229m
Minimum Vessel Length112m
Minimum Vessel Deadweight8,500t - Caustic tanker
Berth Length123m - Vessels over 220 meters can berth
Depth Alongside12.7m
Deepest Permissible Draft11.6m + tide - by arrangement
Height of Dolphin Decking4m above datum
SecurityEnclosed Storage: Wharf area controlled by Worsley Alumina Pty Ltd.
General Information
  • Vessels loading Alumina usually berth starboard to, and caustic tankers port side to
  • Specialised bulk Alumina loading. Bulk caustic soda discharging berth.
  • Due to the berth design a shore gangway is provided.
  • Due to berth design, gearless bulk barriers cannot use aft store cranes without shifting ship a substantial amount along the berth
  • Caustic soda is discharged through "Chiksan" connections to adjacent storage tanks. Rated at 3,000tph discharge. Connection is by 12" bore 19" outside diameter flange.
    Tank storage: 2 x 34,000t
Alumina Shiploader
  • Krupper slew and shuttle type
  • Rated at 3,000 tonnes per hour
  • 2.0m belt width, 2.5 m/s velocity
  • Maximum Air Draft 19m above chart datum from underside of chute
  • Adjacent linked Storage Bins - Three x 45,000 t capacity
  • The ship-loader features a cascade chute and an enclosed conveyor which includes a built-in dust collection system. This will substantially reduce the potential for dust to escape when ships are being loaded.
  • Comprehensive noise surveys and modelling were undertaken as part of the approval process. Noise levels during ship loading will vary depending on prevailing weather conditions. However, it is estimated that the noise level will be no more than 31 dB (A) about 1 km from the ship loader. This level is well within the Department of Environments Assigned Night Level limit of 38 dB (A).
Port of Bunbury - Berth 6
Port of Bunbury - Berth 6, with shiploader



LocationInner Harbour - South
ConstructionLandbacked berth
FenderingVertical rubber
Height of Fendering0.7m above datum
Maximum Vessel Beam36.5m
Maximim Vessel Length 229m
Berth Length250m
Depth Alongside12.7m
Deepest Permissible Draft11.6m
Height of Wharf Decking3.66m above datum
Axle Loadings - Wharf Deck4500 kg / m² 96 wheel low loader gross not exceeding 350,000 kg
Live Loads45 Kpa stacked load
35 tonne container forklift truck
SecurityFencing with sliding gate operated by Security Swipe Cards
  • Water
    • Potable water: 4 supply points - supply rate 25 kLitres/hour
    • Non-potable water: 2 supply points.
  • Power - Supply Points
    • 150 amp - 3 phase
    • 55 amp - 3 phase
    • 20 amp - 3 phase
    • 15 amp - single phase
General InformationVessels may berth port or starboard to
Bulk Materials Shiploader
  • The shiploader is connected to bulk storage in adjacent sheds and also to a road hopper (bottom tip discharge).
  • A 'Cleveland' Cascading Chute is fitted for dust control.
  • Loading rate - From storage sheds up to 2,000 tonnes per hour
  • Loading rate - direct by Road Hopper up to 1,500 tonnes per hour
  • Loading rate - Total 2,000 tonnes per hour
  • Air draft - boom at horizontal to water line approx. 14 meters
  • Loader outreach (from berth edge) approx. 21 meters
  • Loader travel on berth 170 meters
Port of Bunbury - Berth 8
Port of Bunbury - Berth 8




LINX Port Services
Ph: 1300 487 837
Email: portservices@linxcc.com.au

Qube Ports and Bulk
Ph: 02 9005 1100
Email: bulk@qube.com.au