Port History


The Port of Esperance's history dates from 1792 when the French explored the south coast of Western Australia, but was officially claimed by the British in 1802.

As a result of the gold rush of the 1890s the Town Jetty was built, followed by the Tanker Jetty in 1935.the opening of the Esperance Sandplain to agriculture in the 1960s and nickel discoveries in Kambalda resulted in a modernisation of the harbour facilities. Land back berths were added in 1965 and 1972.

Today the Port of Esperance has its own stevedoring capability and most product handling equipment is owned and operated by Southern Ports. Its exports include nickel, iron ore and grain, and imports include fuel and fertiliser.


2002 Premiers Excellence Award Winner in the Economic Development Category
2002 National Case Earth Awards Civil Contractors Federation
Projects over $10million Esperance Port Upgrade
2002 Institute of Engineers WA Division Engineering Excellence Awards
Environmental Category
Esperance Port Upgrade
2002 Dept of Minerals and Petroleum Resources Golden Gecko Award
Environmental Excellence
2001/02 The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Transport Achievement of the Year Award
2003 Australian Shipping and Transport Awards Australasian Port of the Year

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