Port Planning and Development

Port Master Planning

As the custodian of three Western Australian ‘gateway’ ports of Albany, Bunbury and Esperance, Southern Ports understands that effective long-term planning underpins our vision of Strong Regional Ports, Strong Regions.
Adopted in 2023, our Port Master Plans take a long-term view of each Port's planning and infrastructure requirements over the next 30 years and is a key tool that is used by Southern Ports, our port users, and other stakeholders; to guide planning and investment decisions.
It is an important strategic planning tool that supports good decision-making, ensuring we are well-prepared to accommodate predicted future trade and other opportunities. 

View the master plans below:

Port of Albany - Port Master Plan  Port of Bunbury - Port Master PlanPort of Esperance - Port Master Plan

Proponent Development Applications

For all physical infrastructure developments on Port Authority land and waters, approval by Southern Ports is required. The Sustainable Development Guidelines provides guidance on the required criteria and minimum standards for both land and marine infrastructure at Southern Ports.

Port planning approvals follow a two-step process:
1. Development Approval
2.Construction Approval

No construction is to commence on port until a port construction approval is obtained and a corresponding lease and/or license is in place (refer commercial team). 

Please submit your development application and supporting documentation to port.planning@southernports.com.au with a completed Development Application Form attached as a cover note to your submission to commence this process. Pre-referral meetings can be requested for potential developers to gain a better understanding of port requirements on a case-by-case basis.