Community Investment Program


At Southern Ports we take our responsibility to support the communities in which we live and work seriously. The Southern Ports Community Investment Program provides support for more than 100 activities and events each year that benefit the communities residing in the Great Southern, South West and Goldfields-Esperance regions.

Typical projects include sporting events, agricultural shows and community infrastructure. We are always on the lookout for new initiatives to support - particularly those in the areas of maritime, sustainability, education, community events, community infrastructure and initiatives that support and create opportunities for Traditional Owners. 

We are proud of our contribution and look forward to getting behind more initiatives that make a difference to our communities 

Deadlines for applications

Our Community Investment Program opens for applications each quarter. Key dates for applying for this financial year are listed in the table below. 

Applications openApplications close 
4 June 202417 July 2024 
6 October 202411 November 2024 
13 January 2025 7 March 2025 

How to apply

To apply, download the guidelines below, and complete and return the application form. 

Please make sure you carefully read the application form and fill out the required details correctly. We can't accept incomplete applications, or applications that aren't filled in correctly. 

Common application mistakes include:

  • Not indicating if the applicant is registered for GST or not
  • Not including an ABN
  • Not signing or dating the application
  • The project or event has already commenced before the application can be assessed

For more information, email