Navigation and Pilotage


The Southern Ports Authority, Port of Esperance ship scheduling is completed by the Shipping Officer (Shipping Officer) who administers the arrival and departure of all vessels and all vessel bookings at the Port of Esperance (Port) in accordance with the following berthing rules (Rules). In general, vessels are berthed based on order of arrival.

All shipping agents and Port users (together, Port Users) must obtain prior approval of the Shipping Officer for any vessel to use the Port to enable the Shipping Officer to coordinate all vessel movements in the Port safely and efficiently.

This document outlines the process for Port Users to request approval from the Shipping Officer for vessel arrivals, scheduling vessel movements and ordering marine services in the Port.

Notwithstanding anything in these Rules, southern Ports may, in their absolute discretion and for whatever reason, vary the scheduled arrival, departure or movement of any vessel or the provision of marine services in the Port. The Port shall not be responsible for or liable to any Port User in any way whatsoever for any action taken by the Port.


  • At least 14 days prior to a vessel’s arrival, Port Users must notify the Shipping Officer (Notice). That Notice must be emailed to and must include:
    • the vessel’s name
    • the vessel type and its estimated loaded draft;
    • the date and estimated time of arrival at the Port;
    • the cargo type and tonnage to be loaded or unloaded;
    • the expected time alongside the berth; and
    • the name and contact number of the representative or shipping agent or the person responsible for the vessel.
  • At least 7 days prior to a vessel’s arrival, Port Users must submit a berth application through the Port website. The berth application must be completed in full and include the vessel’s date and estimated time of arrival and departure
  • Where there are competing vessels due to arrive at anchorage at similar arrival times, Southern Ports will make a decision on the berthing order with the information available at the time, at least 24 hours prior to arrival and during business hours.
  • Port Users must update the berth application daily on the Port website and by emailing the Shipping Officer at
  • Provided that they have given the Shipping Officer at least 72 hours’ notice and obtained prior Port approval, Port Users may agree between themselves to vary the berthing schedule.
  • If a vessel wishes to stay at the anchorage point and not take a scheduled berth, the Port User must notify the Shipping Officer of their preferred berth date and time at least 72 hours prior to berthing. In this case, the vessel relinquishes its position in the vessel que.
  • Late berthing changes and changes made out of Business Hours will be subject to the labour availability of stevedoring and marine services. Business hours are from 07:30 to 16:00 Monday to Friday in Esperance, Western Australia other than a day that is a designated public holiday (Business Hours).
  • All changes to vessel arrival or departure times made out of business hours must follow the ordering process outlined below and must be approved by the Duty Pilot and the Port Shift Superintendent.
  • A vessel must utilise the berth at design capacity. This includes having all export cargo available prior to berthing. If cargo handling operations are not able to meet design capacity, Southern Ports must be notified in writing by the Shipping Agent, at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled berthing. Southern Ports will then reconsider the berthing order accordingly.

A vessel may be given priority berthing at the Port’s sole discretion where:

  • It has provided the Port with a schedule of its expected arrival and departure times at least 28 days in advance.
  • It has adhered to its arrival and departure times and is able to utilize the berth at its nominated arrival time.
  • In the case of loading or unloading, the vessel and cargo have been cleared to commence loading or unloading whereby cargo operations can take place around-the-clock and at the design capacity of the loading equipment.
  • If the Port allows a non-grain vessel to berth at or encroach upon Berth 1, upon the arrival of a grain vessel, the non-grain vessel must cease operations as soon as possible (in any case within 24 hours) and vacate the berth at their own cost as directed by the Port.
  • Notwithstanding anything in these Rules, cruise liner vessels may only berth in the Port if there is an available berth and it does not impact any other Port User.
  • Vessels requesting priority berthing must provide a 14 day eta. Once this initial 14 day eta is provided, should the eta move by 24 hours or more, the priority berthing privilege will be removed. The vessel will then berth, based on order of arrival.


  • The Shipping Officer will provide Port Users with as much notice as possible
    regarding Port maintenance and, at the beginning of each calendar year, will provide
    Port Users with the scheduled maintenance plan for the year.


  • All marine services required for berthing or unberthing of vessels, including launch
    hire services, must be ordered through the Shipping Office during Business Hours.
  • Marine Services must be ordered at least 4 hours prior to being required.
  • Availability of marine services will be at the Port’s discretion and any anticipated
    delays will be communicated to the Port User.
  • Marine services required outside Business Hours must be ordered during Business
    Hours prior to being required.
  • Launch hire services (such as, surveys, crew changes, linesmen and pilots etc.) will
    only be carried out on the basis that there is no adverse impact on the business of
    the Port.


  • During Business Hours, Port Users must give the Shipping Officer at least 4 hours
    notice before amending marine services.
  • Outside business hours, Port Users must give the Duty Pilot and the Port Shift
    Terminal Supervisor at least 6 hours’ notice and must do so:
    • at 2000 hours on normal business days; and
    • at 0900, 1630 or 2000 hours on weekends and public holidays.
  • Amendments on the day of service for any marine services required for berthing or
    unberthing, including launch hire services, must be made by telephone to the Duty
    Pilot and the Port Shift Terminal Supervisor and followed up by email to
  • The earliest notification time for amendment of services on business days is 0730
    hours and on non-business days is 0900 hours.
  • During Business Hours, if a vessel is ready to berth or depart before the scheduled
    time, the Shipping Officer may, at their discretion and subject to the availability of
    marine services, amend the berthing or departing time.
  • Outside Business Hours, if a vessel is ready to berth or depart before the scheduled
    time the Duty Pilot may, at its discretion and subject to the availability of marine
    services, amend the berthing or departing time.


  • In the event of an emergency, the Harbour Master will organise all marine services
    as a matter of urgency and at its absolute discretion.


  • In the event of operational urgency, subject to availability the Harbour Master or the
    Duty Pilot may, at their discretion, organise marine services necessary to meet a
    customer’s requirements.

To order or amend marine services:

  • During business hours, please contact the Port Office on 08 9072 3327;
  • Out of business hours, please contact the Duty Pilot and the Port Shift Terminal
    Supervisor on 0447 838 290;
  • For marine emergencies, please contact the Duty Pilot on: 08 9072 3362
  • For other port emergencies, please call the 24 hour port number 0428 712 111.