The Southern Ports’ Board of Directors is the governing body as detailed in the Port Authorities Act 1999.
Members are appointed by the Minister for Ports and are tasked with performing the functions, determining the policies and controlling the affairs of Southern Ports.
Assoc. Civic Engineering, Grad. Dip. Business, Harvard Advanced Management Program, Hon. Fellow IE Aust, MAICD.
Appointed: 1 February 2020, term ends 30 June 2026.
As an experienced CEO and Director Ian brings varied and direct experiences in governance and business, finance, leadership, risk and public relations. In addition, he has an understanding of the importance of board dynamics and culture. Ian spent 17 years as a director and eight years as CEO/Managing Director of GHD Group Pty Ltd, an infrastructure services company operating across all facets of planning, project management and engineering. With operations across 10 countries, Ian brings international knowledge and awareness of key issues. He has strong commercial and strategic capabilities in relation to company growth and transformational changes. Ian is also a Director of the Perth Children's Hospital Foundation.
BComm Melbourne University, MBA, AMP HBS, FAICD, FCPA.
Appointed Deputy Chair: 1 July 2018, term ends 31 December 2025.
Special responsibilities: Audit, Finance and Risk Committee Chair.
Gaye has extensive experience in mining, resources, infrastructure, energy, financial services, treasury, property and higher education. Her executive experience includes various senior executive finance and commercial roles over 23 years with BHP and she was the CFO/COO for over 12 years at the University of Western Australia. Gaye has over 20 years of board experience, including as the Deputy Chair of Commissioners of the City of Perth, Deputy Chair of the Committee for Perth and as a Board member of Gold Corporation and the Chamber of Arts and Culture WA.
BE (Hons) University of Auckland, MEnvSci, MBA, FAICD, FIChemE.
Appointed: 1 February 2020, term ends 31 December 2026.
Special responsibilities: Safety and Security Committee Chair.
Jane has extensive experience in resources, oil and gas, financial services, maritime, environment and technology industries. Her executive experience includes senior executive roles in public companies in the oil and gas sector, and later as CEO of National Petroleum Offshore Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA), the industry regulator. Jane has over 30 years of Board experience, and is currently a Non-Executive Director of Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), WA Division Council Member of AICD, Vice-Chair IChemE Congress and Vice-Chair IChemE Energy Centre.
BSc (Hons) Bielefeld University, PhD (Australian National University)
Appointed: 13 July 2020, term ends 30 June 2026.
Special responsibilities: Member of Safety and Sustainability Committee, member of Audit, Finance and Risk Committee.
Wiebke has a background in the biological sciences and workshop facilitation, and has held roles in science communication, education and outreach in various scientific disciplines (vision science, marine science, astrophysics, ocean engineering) over the past 10 years.
She established the headquarters of the University of Western Australia - Wave Energy Research Centre in Albany in early 2018 and manages the Centre operations across the Albany and Perth nodes, as well as the new Great Southern Marine Research Facility in Albany. Wiebke leads stakeholder engagement across a range of sectors, including the State Government, schools and the general public, and is also an Executive Member of the Great Southern Science Council.
BEd Soc Sc
Appointed: 1 July 2021, term ends 31 December 2025.
Robyn's background is in regional economic development across many sectors including tourism, agriculture and infrastructure planning.
Her work history includes being the General Manager of two tourism associations, Business Development and Pre-Contracts Manager in water infrastructure delivery, and 20 years in her consultancy practice delivering projects throughout regional WA. Robyn has been involved in strategy development and delivery within the South West region for many years in various capacities, including implementing the sub-regional Growth Plan, sitting on a number of community boards and as Chair of the Bunbury Development Committee.
Robyn brings experience in strategic planning, governance and industry and community consultation.
BA Australian National University, GAICD
Appointed: 1 January 2023, term ends 31 December 2027
Ben is a former elected member of Federal Parliament, representing the Western Australian electorate of Tangney. Ben has served as a Minister in the Australian Government, including as Minister Assisting the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Minister for the Public Service and Special Minister of State.
Before entering Federal Parliament, Ben worked for Western Australian Builder and Building supply company BGC and was the Chief Executive of the Liberal Party of Western Australia between 2008 and 2015.
Ben is a Commissioner of the Insurance Commission of Western Australia and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Appointed: 1 January 2024, term ends 31 December 2025.
Mr. David Rolf Welch has held senior executive positions within Aurizon Holdings Limited, from 2007 to 2017. These positions included VP Iron Ore, VP Market Development and EVP Strategy and Business Development.He has had direct responsibility for strategy, business transformation and performance, commercial negotiations, stakeholder engagement, major projects, joint venture management, merger and acquisition and business development.
David was previously the managing director of The Millennium Group from 1998 to 2006 and was a marketing manager of CSBP Limited (part of the Wesfarmers conglomerate) in the development of mining reagent and agriculture products from 1989 to 1994. He is an experienced and well credentialed senior executive with a successful track record in the planning, development and operation of logistics and infrastructure supply chains for commodities markets, including; coal, iron ore, grain and industrial products sectors.