Welcome to Southern Ports

Southern Ports is the custodian of the three ‘gateway’ ports of Albany, Bunbury and Esperance, connecting Western Australia to the world.

We are a Government Trading Enterprise and are responsible for the efficient and effective management of the state ports we operate.

We exist to create value for the communities in which we operate and the customers who make use of our facilities.

We do this by ensuring current and future trades have optimum access to our  infrastructure and we play an important role connecting Government, community and industry stakeholders.More

Shipping Statistics

Total Tonnage Through Port
Ship visits
  • Minerals
  • Grains
  • Wood Products
  • Other
  • Non Cargo

Note: Statistics presented here represent a 12 month rolling summary of trade statistics for all ports. Data may not be current and should not be relied upon - see Terms of Use.

Port Locations

Port of Albany

Port of Bunbury

Port of Esperance

Latest News

Public access to Turkey Point and Vittoria Bay is being upgraded!
Southern Ports is playing an important role in another major regional energy transition project – Synergy’s Collie Battery Energy Storage System.
The first stage of upgrades to improve the safety and longevity of the Port of Esperance's sole heavy vehicle access route has been completed.
Temporary restrictions on access to port waters for people and recreational vessels for water-based activities have now been removed as geophysical surveys are now complete.