Understanding the needs of our community is extremely important to us. This is why we have a Community Consultative Committee, which allows us to hear and respond to feedback about the Port of Bunbury, and how it impacts people living in the region.
The Community Consultative Committee is formed under section 14A of the Port Authorities Act 1999. It is made up of members of our community, who provide valuable advice to us, including information on long term strategic planning matters and day to day operations.
We are grateful to the volunteers who dedicate their time, knowledge and passion to our Committee. Each member performs a valuable service and allows us to review and adapt our operations to the evolving needs of our community.
If you’re interested in becoming a part of the Community Consultative Committee for the Port of Bunbury, please visit the Southern Ports Community Consultation Committees page and complete the attached application form.
You can also access records of our approved committee meeting minutes, as well as a copy of our charter below.